Unlock the power of Crowdsourcing
Hire smarter, not harder.
Our sourcing process is designed to save you time and deliver you the best candidates. With expert sourcers and AI-driven tools, we handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on interviewing and hiring.
Describe your ideal candidate
Provide required skills, location, ability to work, and salary range, and submit a quick 2-minute video about your next hire.
We’ll take care of the heavy lifting
Our advanced AI search and expert human review will match you to high-quality candidates.
Receive candidates who are a perfect fit for your needs
We will send you candidates that match your needs perfectly—or your money back.
No placement fees
Great candidates, no hidden fees, and a money-back guarantee.
Single sourcing
Post a single opening.
/ month
Sit down and take interviews
/ month
Supercharge your hiring
** prices in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
What you get
Get ready for a new era of hiring.
A supercharged profile
Beyond the traditional resume, you’ll get wholistic and comprehensive information verified by Nubel’s team
Verified candidates
Candidates verify their identity with Certn.co. No more fake profiles.
Q&A videos
Access candidates’ Q&A videos to determine if they’re the right fit.